A recent comment on my Cadiz skin (27/28).
If you don't want to pay for something ... don't. As if you have to provide something for free just because someone is feeling left out.
It's only $5 for F$%@ sake.
I didn't buy this one from you essorant but do I feel left out ... No. It's just one skin that I don't have. Big whoopee.
Plenty of free ones out there ...
I look forward to your next skin
Noted. Your response was a good one, and quite correct.
Man...what douche bag! You should just report comments like that Tim and have them removed. Unfortunately some people are very childish and never grow up.
Maybe if that one learned how to skin and got a taste of how much work and time is involved he/she/it would appreciate it more. There's no pleasing some people I guess.
Tell ya what, Tim, your reply was 100% right and I commend you for a measured response that didn't lower yourself to his standard.
I haven't purchased too many Master skins as yet... too many other priorities... but it doesn't mean I'm not going to. I've had my eye on a few that would enhance my collection considerably.
Anyhow, Tim, keep doing what you do so well and ignore those from the peanut gallery who do not appreciate it.
Ask a Mod to clean the bad language out of the comments.
I had to have one fixed in the past. If I remember correctly, Snowman cleaned it up.
You are completely right in your approach starkers - like anything else, if you want and can pay for a skins, pay, if not, then you don't have to. Visitors to this website are under no obligations (except to be polite!). There is plenty of choice here and some fantastic artists, some who sell and most who don't.
I personally would still say a good skin is good, whether I had to pay or not.
and most of your skins are good and worth paying for
Don't feel bad about it, you can't please everybody!
There's too many 'gimme, gimme' people out there that expect everything to be handed to them. They wouldn't know what a good day's work was if it bit them on the ass!
My bet: He needed something to kick and you happened to be there.
My bet? A certain Admin will be having the "lemming chat" with him.
there always seem to have been these jerks complaining about paid skins... but they've thinned out a lot over time.... This twit seems to have just come out of the woodwork to be obnoxious.... Don't sweat it.... you wouldn't want anything you made on this twerp's computer anyway....
I do like your new skin and like i already postet on it i look forward to purchase it.About those folks that complain bout paying for it... it seems that they dont know what it takes to make a skin that is working good and looks crispy aswell.To be honest i didnt know that also before i made my very first wba.I also thought in the beginning that skins even the master skin section should be free since you already pay for OD.I always thought that the makers ( skinners ) are employees of Stardock. And that it should be free since its based on the payd OD.But in fact skinners have reached a certain point of skill where it is not bad to ask for a little money for the time spended on the skin itself.(since it can take incredibly much time)Also many of the MAsters already changed their skin status to free.Therefore there is no need to complain.There a bunch of well skins here on WC that you get for free and some of them in quality are very close to masterskins if not even at the very same level ! some of the best examples i can point out here: navigatsio, LightStar, Vampothika, k10w3 , 20f3, adni18, I.R.Brainiac, JJ Ying ,MrPaul, danilloOc and many more great detailed skins from various artists that are free ( this list is by far not complete. )Also a couple of years ago you had the chance to get masterskins ( for free i think if you were a WC subscriber- or at least a discount on them )please correct me if iam wrong.Anyway the best thing to handle post like that is to ignore them trolls and let them do what they do since in the end they only want attention.roloccolor
ohzh those servers lagging again and i made another post oh well...
When Master skins first became a reality here at WC, I purchased a couple of IR Braniac's and one of Mike Bryants, and there would have been others had other things not come up instead. However, that was a personal matter and I would never figure that Masters have no right to sell their skins, just because I can't indulge at any given time. To resort to profanity and insults because one cannot afford something is quite childish ... and to do it because one thinks it should be free is just plain arrogant/ignorant.
I/we still have some upcoming expenses that will delay getting the Master skins that I'd like, like an antenna upgrade to improve our picture quality, and a good used car my nephew's arranging for mrs s so she can go for her license, but I'm quite content with that and will happily wait until the time's right and the funds are available.
It's the same as my ObjectDesktop sub running out... I chose at the time to use the available funds for something I considered more essential, but that was my decision and it's not Stardock's fault I couldn't do both. I now have the funds and my sub will be renewed sometime later today or tomorrow, but at no time did I ever think it should be free... and I certainly didn't consider using insults and/or profanity because I had to wait a little while longer.
Sadly, because so many things have been free over the years [freeware and etc], there's a culture of "it should be free" that has become all too prevalent right across the internet among so many people [both young and old] and there is an expectation that "it should be free", regardless of how much time, effort and expense went into it's creation.
The thing is, how many of these whining people would actually give any their professional time and effort for nothing? Me thinks not too many, and therefore they should keep silent on the matter, otherwise it's hypocrisy... or the pot calling the kettle black, as my dear old grandmother used to say.