Mostly WindowBlinds.

A recent comment on my Cadiz skin (27/28).


Comments (Page 4)
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on Apr 28, 2011

Tim, didn't I read a comment by you a few years ago that said you made your skins WITHOUT skin studio? Don' know if that is still the case but it was damn impressive at any point.

Your stuff has always been top notch SOLID performance, crisp and clean graphics and the classiest looking around. Don't ever give up your status as king of the masters (IMO) because of a foul mouthed brainfart like that.

on Apr 28, 2011

Heck, I think I own every one of your (Essorant's) skins besides this one. I'm going to go purchase it just because of this poster.

Man, if you charged an hourly rate for using your skins, you could have been fairly well-off from me.

on Apr 28, 2011

Tim, didn't I read a comment by you a few years ago that said you made your skins WITHOUT skin studio?

There once was a time when there WAS no SkinStudio [or Builderblinds]....when men were men and sheep were skinning was trial/error and editing code in notepad ....

on Apr 28, 2011

There once was a time when there WAS no SkinStudio [or Builderblinds

Ewe cant mean it..

on Apr 28, 2011

Yes - I still make my skins without SKS - although I do use it to check new stuff, check my layers and build animations, and I regularly compare my skins with others just to see what I might be missing out. I would recommend that all new skinners use SKS though - it's really a great tool.

on Apr 28, 2011

Yes - I still make my skins without SKS

  that's pretty awesome, good for you, but why?

on Apr 28, 2011

Methinks once I get docks down pat I just might give it a go.

Ohhhh ... woe is me.

on Apr 28, 2011

but why?

If you started out doing skins/whatever one way....and were used to it then the methodology isn't that 'hard'.  It's second nature to just continue as you always had.

Skinstudio is a tool....a very GOOD tool....but it's not 'the only way'...

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