Mostly WindowBlinds.

A recent comment on my Cadiz skin (27/28).


Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 26, 2011

Amen.  Now if we can only get Stardock to update Laguna!

on Apr 26, 2011

Apparently it was a 'she'.

'she' is no more.


People really shouldn't try me while I'm dosed up with the flu/ 5 days off over Easter was already a flop.....

on Apr 26, 2011

Apparently it was a 'she'.

Well I'll times have changed.

As a young bloke I never... well very rarely ever heard women swear/cuss like that so assumed it was a bloke, based on the profanity and the testosterone levels present in the: "f**k you"

Yup, it seems to be a sad fact of life these days... that women can swear like navvies [road workers] and make a trooper blush with language more colourful than a satanic rainbow.  I won't mention any names, but I know a couple of young females [one's a relative] whose language quite often leaves a lot to be desired, with f**k [or a derivative of it] usually being every second or third word used in every sentence. 

For example, last year I asked one of them for directions to an old mate's place and got an abundance of f-words just to explain which streets I should take to get there.  Now this mightn't be word for word exactly, but to get give an idea of why I ended up red-faced, it went very much along the lines of this:

"You know where the f**king post box is on f**king Alice Street, well you turn f**king left after that and keep fucking going down there 'til you f**king come to a set of f**king Traffic lights, where you turn f**king right into f**king, f**king... um, what's it's f**king name...  f**king William Street and keep f**king going 'til you reach a f**king T-junction.. turn f**king left there and the f**king house is f**king fourth on the left just past the f**king shop."

Yeah, seriously, that was a young woman of 20, supposedly helping me find an old friend I'd lost touch with in the late 70's.  What she mostly did, however, was confuse me more because I was taken aback by the excess of expletives and forgot the actual directions.  Lucky for me, I knew the area and when I got to the shop [with "f**king this and f**king" that still ringing in my ears] I asked the owner [who turned out to be another old 70's mate] if he knew which house my other old mate lived in.... we all got together... happy ending.... I think... done gone and moved again, before I could tell him, didn't I.


on Apr 26, 2011

People really shouldn't try me while I'm dosed up with the flu/whatever.

Jafo sneezes and someone disappears.

I'm impressed.

I usually have to pass gas to make that happen.

Yeah, I went there.

Thank you. Thank you, very much. I'll be here all week. Tell your friends. Adults Only Matinee on Friday evening.

on Apr 26, 2011

Sigh. I didn't realise that the person had posted the same stuff on another of my Master skins as well.

Well, I expect to be doing another free one next - a follow up to Daily, then another Master skin.


on Apr 26, 2011

Apparently it was a 'she'.

'she' is no more.

So... Dr Jafo performed the famously complicated Addadictame proceedure?

on Apr 26, 2011

Sigh. I didn't realise that the person had posted the same stuff on another of my Master skins as well.

Not to worry, Tim,  Jafo gave her a short sharp shock... she won't be doing it again.

Now if only we could dispose of some of our politicians so easily... simply by clicking a mouse. 

on Apr 26, 2011

Aww I missed it...

on Apr 26, 2011

my only problem with this is that occasionally I run my my mouth and ask to have it removed to no avail...however this douche comes along and makes some snide remarks to Essorant and its gone within minutes...? lucky bastard

on Apr 27, 2011

im getting pretty fed up with these fly by comments where people whine because they have to shell out 5 bucks for a masters work,

 its just not right and shouldnt happen,

maybe stardock should set some standards, because they are not obviously sinking in, every newb seems to think this place

is a free - for -all and god forbid they have to acutally 'purchase something'

ill be frank and say ive never seen people bitch so much about having to buy a skin as i have here. and its wrong. i know it rarely happens,

but when it does, its truly detremental to the artist who posted their work (in this case essorant) who is a wikked skinner and one of the many original master skinners i look up to and admire.

i support you whole heartly Tim, you are a cool dude.

on Apr 27, 2011

thank you.

on Apr 27, 2011

i can understand all the comments here and i agree with one thing....keep the bad language out of comments, but if someone wants to post that this skin is not worth their purchase then thats their opinion, it can be done with dignity and without resorting to abusive language. if you don't like a skin, don't buy it. it's that simple and you should be able to tell the creator why you think the skin isn't worth the money but like i said it can be done with dignity and politeness

on Apr 27, 2011

Maybe if that one learned how to skin and got a taste of how much work and time is involved he/she/it would appreciate it more. There's no pleasing some people I guess.

I'm with Uvah. That's the main point; I mean, the only REAL one. People that didn't spend a lot of time in learning how to skin don't have just any idea about how much work and what kind of skill are involved in a masterSkin. They don't really know what they are talking about,

Do ypu PROPERLY understand this?

Well, of course even MasterSkins can be given for free, as many MasterSkinners did, especially in the last months (some really great skins).

Sometimes it makes me think about technology stuff market. Technology sector, of course, is absolutely the "quickest". When a new model appears, is very expensive; after a while, it becomes always cheaper and cheaper..(new models has been released meanwhile), and not so rarely you can get some stuff for free in addition to something else you have to pay for (the so-called "promotional sellings").

That's the way things works. 




on Apr 27, 2011

Man...what douche bag! You should just report comments like that Tim and have them removed. Unfortunately some people are very childish and never grow up.
2 whom do yo report ?? Jafo or Doc ?

on Apr 27, 2011

2 whom do yo report ?? Jafo or Doc ?


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