Mostly WindowBlinds.
Is it possible to have the skin of WMP change when a particular media clip (video) is downloaded? Anyone know?
on Mar 03, 2005
Probably. You just need a bit of JScript saying that onvideostart open a new view and make the first one invisible. DO NOT CLOSE the main view. Closes wmp...
on Mar 07, 2005
Thanks Cerebro - but that's not quite what I mean. Hopefully this is a bit clearer:

A company has their own WMP skin designed - "Coathangers Ltd" logos all over it, which is downloadable from their website. When a customer has the skin installed and visits the 'Coathangers' website and clicks on the promo video (showing wire being bent presumably), WMP loads and runs, and changes the WMP skin from whatever it was to the "Coathangers Ltd" skin automagically.

Can it be done? (I suppose you could get JScript to check the filename... but your jscript would only be active if your skin was being used anyway.)
on Mar 10, 2005

i hope that helps...
on Mar 10, 2005
The other way to do it, which is what they have probably done if its their media file that activates the skin, is to encode the javascript into the Windows Media File. Very easily done through Windows Media File Editor.

We do it all the time for learning materials. As long as the element is available to the media file through a JS element, you can control it via the media file with hotspots or time codes.